

Haiti 2014 Mission Trip - June nth through June 17th.

Christian Outreach World Mission, will be hosted Pastor Michael Baviello and his group from Florida.

We will have several programs while we will be sharing the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ with the communities of Fonds-Verrettes, and Foret-des-Pins. We are going to have Mobil Clinic, Feeding Programs, Street Evangelism, and so forth. We need your fervent prayer most importantly.

Your faithful donation is also in great need for this mission trip, and it's never too late to do the right thing. Please, make a miracle in the life of hundreds hungry children by making a donation today.

God bless you always!

Ruben Ariste -Pastor

President & Founder of COWM


June 2014 Mission Trip Report !

We would like to thank the Founder and President of CKO, Pastor Michael Baviello with his wonderful team from Florida for the sponsorship of this mission trip.The three doctors who went with the team, have been able to serve at least three hundred patients including children. All those people have received medical examination, medicines and food. Most importantly, we have forty one new birth among those patients.                             

Thank to God Almighty, our Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ.

We would like also to extend our gratitude to the following persons, and congregation for their faithful prayers and donations.

Church of God In Christ Christian Mission Inc - Salisbury, MD

Brother Emmanuel Jean Lestin - Randolph, MA

Rev. Emmanuel Poteau - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Rev. Robert Welsh - Delaware

You can see all pictures for June 2014 mission trip by clicking on media tab.

Once again, thank you and may God bless you all.

Ruben Ariste - Pastor   

Founder & President of  COWM      


Haiti 2015 Mission Trip - July 21st - Through July 28th.

The mission trip for this year will be hosted by pastor Ruben Ariste from Church of God in Christ Christian Mission, and some guests from Cathedral of Worship Church in Quincy, IL.

We will have several programs including sharing the loving gospel of Jesus Christ with brothers and sisters in Haiti at the following locations: Fonds-Verrettes, Foret-des-Pins, Port-au-Prince. We are going to have three days seminary for evangelical leaders, feeding program for the needy children, street evangelism, and so forth.

We need your prayers most importantly.Your faithful donation is also in great need for this mission trip.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and donations.        

Ruben Ariste - Pastor      

President & Founder of COWM                            


July 2015 Mission Trip Report!

We would like to thank Bishop E.L. Warren and his tremendous team from Quincy, IL for the efforts, sacrifices, and funding that they have provided for this mission trip. We had a two days seminary for church leaders that taken place at Nazarene Church in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. We have been able to feed 165 persons each day of the seminary and an additional 150 persons at Fonds-Verrettes church on Sunday morning. Thank you all for your supports. Our gratitude  and thanks to the following persons and congregations for their faithful prayers and donations.

Church of God in Christ Christian Mission Inc. Salisbury, MD

Bishop Eddie E.L. Warren & His Team, Quincy, IL

Pastor Robert Welsh - Delaware

Brother Emmanuel Lestin - Randolph, MA

Pastor Emmanuel Poteau - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Pastor Gerard Alcy - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Church of Nazarene - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

You may see all pictures for July 2015 mission trip by clicking the media tab.

Once again, thank you and may God bless you all.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President of COWM                 


2016 Haiti Mission Trip / Events / June 14th through June 21st.

Christian Outreach World Mission will continue to fulfill the Great Comission of Matthew 28 V. 16-20 by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in other country besides ours. We will be in Haiti on 2016, as usual we can't do it by ourselves, we are requesting your donations, and most importantly your fervent prayers. We will be having, feeding program for the hungry children, Mobil clinic, street evangelism, and much more. Please we need your help by sending a donation, and pray God for a safe trip.

Pastor Michael Baviello, and his wonderful team from Florida will be in our midst.

Thank you for your donation, and may God bless you.


June 2016 Mission Trip Report!

We thank Pastor Michael Baviello and his medical teams from Florida and Haiti for the mobil clinic they provided to the people of Foret-des-Pins and surrounding areas. They have been able to treat more than five hundreds patients, among them, 116 souls came to Jesus Christ. To God be the glory! Those patients were provided with free check up, free medications, free eye glasses. Thank you for your supports. Our gratitude and thanks to the following people and congregation for their prayers and donations:

Church of God in Christ Christian Mission, Inc. - Salisbury, MD

Christian Kitchen Outreach - Naples, FL

You may see all pictures for June 2016 Mission Trip by clicking the appropriate tab.

Thank you and may God bless you all.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President


2016 Haiti Mission Trip / Events / July 26 through August 2.

Christian Outreach World Mission,will be having an additional mission trip for the year of 2016. We will be having a two days spiritual retreat on "Structure Leadership" for all church leaders, that will be offered by Bishop E.L. Warren and his team from Quincy, IL. In Addition, we will be having feeding program for the hungry children, and much more. Please we need your help by sending a donation, and much more of your prayers. Help us to reach the lost ones, God will surely bless you.

Thank you and may God bless you.

Pastor Ruben Ariste 

Founder & President 


July 2016 Mission Trip Report!

We want to thank Bishop E.L. Warren and Cathedral of Worship Church from Quincy, IL for the efforts and funding that they have provided for this mission trip. We had a two days seminary for church leaders that had taken place at "Mission United Brethren Church" in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. We have been able to feed around 100 church leaders each day. Thank you all for your supports. Our thanks to the following persons and churches for their faithful supports:

Church of God in Christ Christian Mission, Inc. - Salisbury, MD

Bishop Eddie E.L. Warren and Cathedral of Worship Church - Quincy, IL

Pastor Robert Welsh - Selbyville, DE

Pastor Gerard Alcy - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Pastor Emmanuel Poteau - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mission United Brethren Church - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

You may see all pictures for July 2016 mission trip by clicking the appropriate tab.

Thank you and may God bless you all.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President


2017 Haiti Mission Trip / Events / July 25 through August 2.

Christian Outreach World Mission from Church of God in Christ Christian Mission (USA) will have its annual mission trip in Santo, La Plaine - Haiti for this year. We will have missionary from United States, Benaie, Jeremie, Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas. We will be at Church of God in Christ Christian Mission in Santo. We will have the following spiritual activities: Fasting, Prayer of Consecration, Thanksgiving Service, Feedind Programs for the Needy Children, Evangelism, Water Batism, Foot Washing, Holy Communion Service and so forth. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, please we need your financial supports, and definetely your faithful prayers. Help us to build the kingdom of God, and  winning the lost ones for Jesus Christ. God will surely bless you for doing so. Thank you in advance for your gifts, and may God bless you abundantly.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President


July 2017 Mission Trip Report!

We would like to thank all members and friends at Church of God in Christ Christian Mission, for their lovely supports to July 2017 Mission Trip to Haiti. With their helps, we served 700 hot meals to our brothers and sisters in Haiti, including hungry children. We had three water baptism, thanksgiving service, children ministry, church first year celebration service, and much more.

We would like to thank also the Haiti staff:

Pastor Marckenson Charles (Carrefour)

Pastor Chesnel Joseph (Carrefour)

Pator Ilavoi (Benaie)

Pastor Dunopha (Benaie)

Pastor Frank (Cote-de Fer)

Pastor Geffrard Garcon (Canaan) 

Sister Carline ST Juste (Santo)

Sister Simone Charmant (Santo)

All the kitchen staff from Beraca valey Ministry

All the musicians from Port-au-Prince

All other assistants and workers

Thank you so much for all your helps . You may see all pictures of July Mission Trip by clicking the appropriate tab.

Thank you and may God bless you.

Ruben Ariste

Pastor & Founder      


2017 Haiti Mission Trip / Events / October 24th through October 31st.

Christian Outreach World Mission will be having its annual two days spiritual retreat, on a very interesting biblical topic for all church leaders. This retreat will be offered by Bishop E.L. Warren and his team from Quincy, IL. In addition to that, we will be having feeding program fro the hungry children and much more. Please we need your financial supports, and definitely your faithful prayers. Help us to build the kingdom of God, and the lost ones for Jesus Christ. God will surely bless you for doing so. Thank you in advance for your gifts, and may God continue to bless you abundantly.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President              


October 2017 Mission Trip Report!

Christian Outreach World Mission teamed up with Cathedral of Worship Church - Bishop E.L. Warren for leaders seminar in Haiti. We had more than 50 leaders who gathered together for a spiritual fueling; among them, we had pastors, evengelists, deacons, deaconess, ministers. This seminar was sponsored by Bishop E.L. Warren Ministries. Bishop Warren is also helping us secure a two years lease, to relocate our church to a new facility in Santo.Thank you Bishop for your faithful leadership, and being a blessing to the saints in Haiti.

We also wedded 5 couples who have been lived out of wedlock for years, we had water baptism (3 persons), we had fellowship service at Eglise de Dieu en Christ Mission Chretienne at Santo 25. Those activities were sponsored by Church of God in Christ Christian Mission from Salisbury, MD.

We thank all the saints at Salisbury, MD church who have contributed to this great work in the name of Our Savior Jesus Christ. May God continue to bless you all.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President


2018 Haiti Mission Trip (1st) - August 21 through 28th.

Christian Outreach World Mission Corp. from Church of God in Christ Christian Mssion (USA) will have its first 2018 annual mission trip in Santo - La Plaine - Haiti. We are blessed and fortunate to have our mission trip this year at our new church building in Santo. We are going to have the following spiritual activities: Fasting, Evangelism, Water baptism, Thanksgiving Service, 2nd year of Church Anniversary Celebration, Holy Communion, Feeding program, and so forth. My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we need your financial supports, and most definitely, your faithful prayers. Help us to build the Kingdom of God and winning the lost ones for Jesus. God will surely bless you by thinking and helping the needy, and the least among us. Thank you for your supports. May God bless you all.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President    


2018 Haiti Mission Trip (2nd) -October 25 through 31st.

Christian Outreach World Mission will be having its annual spiritual retreat for all leaders in the Church of God in Christ Christian Mission, and also evangelical leaders outside of the "COGICCM". This retreat will be offered free of charge for all Haitian pastors, by Bishop E.L. Warren Misnitries from Quincy, IL. We need your financial supports, and your prayers. Thank you in advance for your gifts, and may God continue to bless you abundantly.

Pastor Ruben Ariste

Founder & President


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